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Research Methods in Nutrition

Elsa Pinto
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This course includes the presentation and application of knowledge and skills in the process of conducting research in nutrition. It focuses on the development of critical analysis skills in the areas of study design, statistical analysis, organization and presentation of data and the presentation of the final report in the context of research within the field of food and nutrition.

Here is the class outline:

1. Sílabo y calendario tentativo

Aug 19

Sílabo y calendario

2. Study Designs

Diseños de Investigación

3. Presentaciones Estudios de Investigación

Incluye presentaciones de los siguientes estudios: NHANES BRFSS YRFSS Boston Puerto Rican Health Study Framingham Open Study Nurse's Health Study

4. Qualitative research

Qualitative research

5. Randomized Clinical/Controlled Trials

Descripción de los estudios controlados

6. Evidence Based Practice

Feb 25

Evidence Analysis Worksheet Evidence Based Practice/Model

7. Análisis estadísticos

Sep 17

Conferencia y artículos de los diferentes análisis estadísticos

8. Measuring dietary intake

Oct 8

Dietary assessment methods

9. Food Service Research

Oct 20

Food Service Research

10. Behavioral theory- based research

Oct 22

Behavioral theory-based research

11. Apetito

Oct 26

Investigaciones relacionadas al apetito

12. Diet and human genetics

Nov 10

Investigaciones en el área de dieta y genética

13. Dietetic Education

Nov 3

Dietetic Education

14. Outcomes Research

15. Etica en la investigación

Nov 10

16. Dissemination of research

Nov 12
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